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KARMENstudio Item

Extensive workflow

Image analysis workflow includes following steps: preprocessing, segmentation, classification, multiple image processing, structural analysis and data analysis Segmentation and classification contain intermediate computational scripts, each programmed as an independent functional module.

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Deep Learning

Deep Learning allows fast and efficient image analysis containing complex visual structures. In addition, thanks to Deep Learning, we can also quickly develop novel analysis scripts for new applications through automated proposing patterns of new scripts, based on our extensive experiential database, and adjusting the parameters of the new script modules.

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High-Speed and High-Throughput

Full analysis of a typical 8-megapixel image with resolution 3266×2450 pixels rarely takes more than 2 seconds on an average computer today. Developing a novel script module for new applications takes only a few weeks.

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Multiple-image orientation

Our image analysis is oriented to work with many related images, such as individual images forming a large visual scene, or a sequence of images captured in a short time, or slow time lapse of images, or images taken as cross-sections of 3D digitized objects. This multiple-image orientation is ensured for high-speed image analysis and […]

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Extensive Modularity and Flexibility

KARMENstudio is highly modular and easily upgradable for different applications. Upgrade models include plugins with new segmentation and classification functionalities, as well as plugin extensions for preprocessing, multiple image processing, structural analysis and data analysis.

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Intuitive interface and interactivity

Intuitive interface allows easy interactivity during all image analysis steps. In the case of segmentation and classification it is possible to return to any previous intermediate step from the script, and to make adjustments to the parameters of the modules.

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Wide-ranging applications

While the initial scope of KARMENstudio was developed for life-science microscopy, in particular in the field of cellular neuroscience, KARMENstudio has a much wider scope today, thanks to its distinct modularity and upgradability.Examples of image processing modules used in KARMENstudio are: Structural analysis of bones and keypoint detection, Object tracing due to moving affinities, Point […]

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